Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How long has it been since? Stop minding my business and whatever I say or do because you don't have any fucking right to. Getting close to others to dig out nuggets of gossip and info of people that dont give a shit about you anymore? It's bloody pathetic. You are bloody pathetic. Keeping up this strong front is just so laughable, cause we know who you really are deep inside, just a weak emotional pathetic being with a hell lot of petty issues. It's just a matter of time before who breaks first. Gossiping among your own friends just degrades you even lower than where you already are. Trying to keep yourself updated by our movements is just damn retarded. So what if we got to know new people, go out with friends? It's none of your business. Seriously, is what and who you should be interested in right now so boring that you gotta poke into other people's affairs? Trying to teach others what's right or wrong when your whole life is already fucked?

In a way I'm glad to see you in this light.
For now I know you're something I can totally do without in my life.